

陈强,博士,副研究员,博士生导师。Email: chenq999@gmail.com







Frontiers in Materials副主编,BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders杂志编委,Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology杂志Guest Editor。Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices杂志Section Editor。50余种SCI期刊审稿人。




Ø  针对临床骨缺损修复的问题,提取天然骨的组织特征,以生物力学功能适配为设计准则,进行骨植入物构型设计及生物力学评价。

Ø  针对临床口腔的修复问题,从生物力学角度,探讨并评价不同口腔修复材料及种植体的设计及生物力学效应,提出优化治疗策略。

Ø  针对心血管支架植入术,依据术后血管血流动力学关键指标,探讨支架植入后血流动力学环境的变化,揭示临床术后并发症的生物力学发病原因;力图阐述可降解支架的动态降解过程。

Ø  针对临床门静脉高压TIPS手术,从生物力学角度,探讨并评价TIPS手术不同治疗策略的术后效果,进行治疗策略优化。


截至目前,在Adv Healthc Mater, Mater Des, J Tissue Eng, J Biomech, Comput Biol Med, Biomech Model Mechanobiol等生物材料及生物力学SCI旗舰期刊上发表论文60篇,Google学术引用1600余次。近5年代表性成果如下:


[1]    S Liu, S He, C Chen, C Li, W Luo, K Zheng, J Wang, ZY Li, H He, Q CHEN*, Y Li*. A Versatile DisordertoOrder Technology to Upgrade Polymers into High-Performance Bioinspired Materials. Adv Healthc Mater, 2023, 12(11), 2300068.

[2]    L Jiang, H Han, J Yang, R Fang, Y Xin, Q CHEN*, J Yao*, ZY Li. Do the stent blind insertion into the main portal vein (MPV) and stent diameter influence the surgical outcome of the transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)? Comput Biol Med, 2023, 164, 107306.

[3]    L Wang, J Wang, Q CHEN*, Q Li, JB Mendieta, ZY Li*. How getting twisted in scaffold design can promote bone regeneration: A fluid–structure interaction evaluation. J Biomech, 2022, 145, 111359.

[4]    L Wang#, Q CHEN#, PKDV Yarlagadda, F Zhu, Q Li, ZY Li*. Single-parameter mechanical design of a 3D-printed octet truss topological scaffold to match natural cancellous bones. Mater Des, 2021, 209: 109986.

[5]    Q Shi, H Shui, Q CHEN*, ZY Li*. How does mechanical stimulus affect the coupling process of the scaffold degradation and bone formation: An in silico approach. Comput Biol Med, 2020, 117: 103588.

[6]    L Liu, Q Shi, Q CHEN*, ZY Li*. Mathematical modeling of bone in-growth into undegradable porous periodic scaffolds under mechanical stimulus. J Tissue Eng, 2019, 10: 2041731419827167.

[7]    L Wei, Q CHEN*, ZY Li*. Influences of plaque eccentricity and composition on the stent–plaque–artery interaction during stent implantation. Biomech Model Mechanobiol, 2019, 18(1): 45-56.






